Privacy Policy


The following Privacy Policy explains how your personal information including your personal data will be collected, used and shared in relation to gaining access or utilizing our services such as the IHM website, or mobile application, available on iOS and Android mobile platforms as well as any content, features and services that IHM may provide including communications via email or newsletters.

Data we Collect:

• Contact details (last name, first name, telephone number, email)

• Personal Data (date of birth, nationality)

• Your credit card number (for membership purchase transaction and hotel reservation purposes)

• Your questions/comments, during or following a stay in one of our partner hotels

• Your membership number for the associated loyalty programs and information related to your activities within the context of the loyalty program

• Technical and location data you generate as a result of using our websites and mobile applications

How Data is Collected:

Our customers help us personalize and customize their experience. Here’s how we gather your data.

• When you create an account, enroll in a loyalty program, or purchase a membership

Activities related to the hotel:

  • Booking a room (if IHM facilitates the booking)
  • Requests, complaints or disputes regarding hotel visits sent to us via email

Transmission of information from third parties:

Internet activities:

• Connection to the IHM Loyalty website or Social Media Pages (IP address, cookies in accordance with our Policy about the use of cookies)

• Mobile Apps:

• When you download or use our mobile app created by IHM, we receive and store information about your mobile device, including the unique identifier for your device.

We may use this information to provide you with hotel promotions and personalized content.

How Your Data Will be Used:

• To input, process and transact payments regarding your loyalty program membership purchases, renewals, and/or cancelations

• To provide your Personal Data and payment information data to third-party payment processors (such as Payforte, local banks and financial institutions) to transact loyalty membership payments

• To provide your Personal Data and payment information to partnering hotel in order to process, validate, provide and charge for hotel reservations/arrangements.

• To fulfill our contractual obligations to you, and anyone involved in the process of setting up plans related to your membership such as hotels and vendors.

• To provide benefits and services to you and administer membership programs, verify and validate your ability to access and use certain products and services.

• To manage claims, feedback, and complaints

• To provide you with access to the content on our Interactive Services

• To implement security and fraud prevention

• To discuss company activities with our advisors, including accountants, auditors, lawyers, business contacts in assisting us to better manage, support or develop our business and comply with legal and regulatory obligations

• For any other purposes for which we have your consent

• To market services of our third-party business partners

Payment Information Policy:

All credit/debit card details and personally identifiable information will not be stored, sold, shared, rented or leased to any third parties. If travel reservations are made with third-party suppliers facilitated by IHM®, please note that you will be redirected to a third-party online platform and the supplier processes your payment, not IHM®, unless otherwise specified. You agree to review and be bound by the supplier’s policies and procedures before making a reservation through IHM®.

Analytics and Cookies:

We use cookies to track user activity patterns and withhold certain registration information. We may use mobile analytic software to better understand the functionality of our mobile software on your phone. This software may record information such as how often the application is used, performance data, and source of the application download. The information stored in our system is not shared with any third parties and is solely maintained for the purpose of improving our software and service to our loyal members.

Managing Your Cookies:

Many browsers online have a default setting to accept cookies, however, if you wish to opt out of the process you can set your browser to not accept cookies. Please be aware that if you do choose to disable the receipt of cookies from our Interactive Services, you may not possess full visibility of benefits or gain certain features of the Interactive Services, particularly the features that are designed to personalize your experience.